Absolutely – as painful and difficult as it can be – we have to separate the label and trauma (they suffered) from the human being underneath. Love is the only antidote – but that includes love for self as someone on the other side. Gotta keep yourself safe. I don’t begrudge anyone for leaving, it can be painful and lonely, but it doesn’t have to be if you take care of yourself and simply love. It’s actually no different to any other relationship in that respect – your only job is to show love and respect. You may not always get that in return, but it’s a choice you make, whether it’s viable or not – which all depends on you.
You have to learn and research narcissism when you encounter it of course, notice your own in the process. Learn and heal your shit inside out too. I’m so glad I stumbled on this article, so fed up of seeing so much hate and anti-narcissism writing which dominates the research and only makes matters worse – this is refreshingly human and real, something that relates and we can all learn from – thank you for spreading positivity.