So succinctly put. This was such an uplifting read, thank you. Whenever I read articles about narcissism there’s always that twing question in the subconscious - is it me? Am I the narc here?? - and then (as your article perfectly illustrates as an experience arc with a narcissist) you remember it’s not…but perhaps you have adopted some of their traits to survive and protect yourself - just as they did to protect themselves (in the past). You know it’s not right, and so do you best to be you, protect yourself, love them (if you want to stay) and have as you say no regrets. That list you out of how you feel is precisely it. That’s the rollercoaster, the confusion, the emotional abuse…but we have the power to end it, stay or go, by simply being us. Knowing and being assertive in our truth. That’s it, he says knowing it isn’t that easy…until one day it is. And you are you again, reading articles like this. Sometimes we stay, not through weakness but strength, and because we see change, progress, healing happening. We may need to prompt with boundaries when that healing stalls, but we can and do. NPD has many degrees, it’s emotional, which means it can be healed - it’s not you (or them) it’s what you (they) went through. Complex trauma for example includes a myriad of mental health adjustments to ones self. Understandably. So there is (should be) compassion and empathy for people who suffer traumatic events/experiences. The indirect trauma that others suffer as a result is where we draw the line, set boundaries and challenge healing in those who hurt us. Which all comes down to us, it’s not our responsibility, no no no, but it’s our choice…stay or go…both are the right choice to make for us.