Yes. Absolutely yes. My long term mantra (without standing on a soap box communicating to the passers by). Yet here we are. Yes it’s ‘technically’ not social media, but here I am, on my phone, reading this, replying, taking time, effort, concentration…a wonderful moment – yet now I feel guilt, recognising my absolute submission – what a paradox. Is this okay to read, waste my precious time and concentration on….or not? Is medium not social media in the current sense? I.e we post mostly, read a bit, comment and contribute to a degree…but to what end? Ultimately anything we do online, our phones, whether ‘social media’ or not is taking us away from real life. Things that actually matter. Like, ya know, people. Relationships. Actually feeling and experiences. Like love. Surprise. Why the fucks. Standard but oh so special routines of day to day life. It’s a weird one, and honestly…I’ve lost where I was going…
So I guess it’s here.